
Friday, March 2, 2012

Justin Bieber Punks Taylor Swift Into Thinking She Ruined a Wedding

Everyone, including Justin Bieber, knows that Taylor Swift is the "sweetest girl ever." So, why wouldn't he choose her as his victim on the new season of Punk'D.

That's right, Ashton Kutcher's hit MTV reality show is back and it's featuring all the hottest young stars in Hollywood.

We've already seen a preview of Miley Cyrus and Kelly Osbourne tricking Khloe Kardashian, and now Biebs is punking Taylor, making her think she literally torched a wedding!

"This is completely not okay!" a teary-eyed Taylor says after she witnesses an explosion she thinks she caused. Bieber and MTV producers trick Taylor into thinking she sets a fire on a yacht hosting a wedding after she shoots a flare off a balcony.

"You're the worst!" Taylor screams at Justin when she realizes it was all a joke.

Punk'D returns to MTV on Thursday, March 29 at 10pm! Watch a clip of Justin punking Taylor below.