Rapper 50 Cent has a dog named Oprah Winfree with a popular Twitter account, and Friday on "The View" (weekdays on ABC) he explained the origin of her name after Sherri Shepherd put him on the spot. "I don't know if you're trying to say Oprah's a bitch or you love Oprah," she asked him.
"I thought Oprah didn't like hip-hop culture. Then I got the dog, and now I love Oprah," he explained.
50 seemed to be referring to a "beef" that emerged in 2006 when rappers Ludacris and Ice Cube each accused Oprah of harboring an anti-hip-hop bias. Ice Cube felt snubbed when he wasn't invited to be interviewed on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" when his fellow "Barbershop" stars were, and Ludacris claimed that the show selectively edited his answers about provocative rap lyrics when he appeared on her show promoting "Crash."
50 Cent joined the fray himself in a 2009 interview with the AP, in which he expressed antipathy towards her show. At the time, he said, "I think she caters to older white women ... Oprah's audience is my audience's parents. So, I could care less about Oprah or her show."
But between 50's love for his dog and his flirtatious friendship with Oprah's BFF Gayle King, it appears that he's warmed up to Oprah since then.